Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Night Audit

- Hotels operate 24X7 so Front Office regularly review and verify the accounts.
- Audit is a daily review of guest account transactions at Front Office against revenue center
- Audit is performed to ensure accuracy, reliability & thoroughness of accounting system.
- Audit of active non-guest accounts also.
- Audit results in balanced guest & non-guest accounts, accurate account statements, credit monitoring
and reports generation.
Why is it called Night Audit?
It is called Night Audit because it is performed at Night. In olden days, manual system was followed and
nighttime was the most appropriate period for auditing due to very little business and movement.
MAIN PURPOSE: To verify the accuracy and completeness of guest and non-guest accounts.
k Verifying posted entries to guest and non-guest accounts.
k Balancing all Front Office accounts.
k Resolving room status and rate discrepancies.
k Maintaining guest credit limits.
k Producing operational and managerial reports.
ATTENTION needs to be paid to:
1. Accounting details, Procedural controls, Guest credit restrictions.
2. Nature of cash transactions.
3. Tracking room reservation and related statistics.
4. Daily summary of cash and credit activities at front desk.
5. Reporting results of operation to the management.
Generally night shifts are from 11pm to 7am. End of the day is the closing time of the majority revenue
-For internal control purposes, an accounting system should provide independent supporting
documentation (e.g. a coffee shop guest check and a front office guest folio) to verify each transaction for
- Guest and non-guest accounts are compared with source documents from revenue centers to prove
individual transaction entries and account totals.
- establishing lines of credit or Credit limit depends upon many factors such as house limit, floor limit,
guest’s status & reputation etc..
-It determines the potential credit risk of guest. It is reflected through High Balance Report.
Previous Balance + Debits - Credits = Net Outstanding Balance
PB + DR - CR = NOB
- A Daily Transcript is a detailed report of all guest accounts that indicates each charge transaction
affecting a guest account for the day
- A Supplemental Transcript is a detailed report of all non-guest accounts that indicates each charge
transaction that affected a non-guest account that day.
- Used as the worksheets to detect posting errors.
- Used in non and semi automated systems.
- Consists of revenue center, transaction type and transaction total.
1) Non Automated (manually)
2) Semi Automated (mechanically)
3) Automated (electronically)
Non - Automated
- Four common night audit forms are used:
a. Daily & Supplemental Transcript (either VTL is directly used or it is copied on to format from Folios
--columns are summarized or totaled)
b. Guest and Non-Guest Folios
c. Front Office Cash Sheets/ Cash Books
d. Audit Recapitulation Sheet (A complete summary of Front Office accounting for the day).
¨ Not feasible for large hotels.
¨ Prone to errors due to volume of data.
¨ Tedious
¨ May prove costly.
Semi - Automated
- Accounting Posting Machines are the basis for mechanical auditing. It is most important development
in the history of Front Office Accounting.
- Posting machines are of two types:
Electromechanical and Electronic.
Functions of both the machines are same except that -
¨ Electromechanical machine can store limited no. of department totals.
¨ Electromechanical machine cannot retain total balances.
¨ Electromechanical machine cannot be combined with other equipment (at POS).
On the other hand, electronic machines are as good as a PC, in terms of cost. In fact, they are the
foundation for modern day PMS.
Steps in machine posting
1. Locating the folio.
2. Take folio out of the bucket.
3. Place folio along with the check in the posting machine.
4. Enter previous closing balance.
5. Post the check amount with department code.
6. Machine balances the folio.
7. Folio is refiled in bucket.
Simultaneously, the following occurs:
1. The voucher is imprinted with the same information as posted to the accounts folios (this acts
as a verification that the voucher has been posted).
2. Identical information printed on an Internal Machine Paper Tape (known as Audit Trail).
3. Amount of each charge is added to or subtracted from the running departmental total.
Forms/ Formats used in Auditing
1. FO Cash Report
2. D-Report (Night Auditor's Report/ D-Card): It mentions the total opening balance, debits, credits & net
outstanding balances. Used for reconciliation with departmental summaries.
Fully – Automated
- There is complete computer interfacing. The computer in a fraction of time performs all Audit Functions
(Guest Ledger & Non Guest Ledger compared with daily departmental reports to locate errors).
- Computer guides the auditor/ user through the stages in auditing. It asks for certain data inputs before
beginning with the audit process.
- Computer performs all the vertical checks. It Organizes, Compiles & Prints the records. System
Updates are run at the end of the day.
- Focus is on Two Areas:
1. Discovery and Correction of accounting errors.
2. Creation of accounting and management reports.
- The degree of audit scrutiny depends on:
1. Frequency of errors – relates the quality of Front Office work.
2. No. of Transactions to be reviewed- correlates with the size and complexity of the hotel.
Steps -
1. Complete outstanding postings.
2. Reconcile room status discrepancies.
3. Verify Room Rates.
4. Balance all departmental accounts.
5. Verify No-Show reservations.
6. Post Room Rates & Taxes.
7. Prepare required Reports.
8. Prepare Cash receipts for deposit.
9. Clear or Back up the system.
10. Distribute Reports.
Complete outstanding postings
- Ensuring proper posting of all transactions affecting non-guest and guest accounts.
- Transactions are supposed to be posted to accounts as they are received. Night Auditor has to ensure
that all vouchers are posted.
- Further he has to verify (even in computerized system) the postings. This he does by matching reports
from interfaces with reports from Front Office system in a computerized environment.
Reconcile Room Status Discrepancies
- Discrepancies cause loss of revenue, omissions and confusion.
- First housekeeper's report is reconciled with room rack.
- Then, room rack is tallied with folios.
- The evening shift does this work to save time and resolve guest problems.
Verify Room Rates
- Verify discounts/ complimentary etc.
- If rate charged are less than Rack Rates, then:
a) Are the rates discounted? Is the Discount correct?
b) Are there two guests on sharing basis? Is there a second folio?
c) Is the complimentary room correctly authorized?
Balance all Departments
- First balance all departments and then look for individual errors (within an out of balance department).
- Revenue center provides source documents and Front Office Accounts provides department
transaction information.
- If error is found, a detailed audit needs to be done.
Verify No-Show reasons
- Checking Reservation Racks for pending arrivals.
- Filing and posting No-show charges. One has to be careful in this case. There may be a regular guest /
corporate etc. A cancellation might not have been recorded.
Post Room Rates and Taxes
- After verifying post Room Rates and Taxes.
Prepare Reports
- The following are some of the reports prepared by the auditor -
a) Operations Reports
b) Sales summary
c) High Balance Reports
d) Detailed department reports and summary (for accounts department)
Deposit Cash
- Sales summary and cash deposits of points of sale are tallied.
- Checkouts tallied with cash receipts.
- Cash is counted and tallied with cash sheet/ cash book and sealed in an envelope for deposit in
accounts department.
Clear I Back Up System
- Clear up the total figures for the day and open fresh accounts for next day.
a) Manual: Closing Balance of VTL is entered as Opening Balance for the next day's VTL sheet.
b) Semi-Automated: Totals in machine are zeroed. A "Z- Card" is used to verify zero balances in the
machine. It is submitted with Night Audit work.
c) Automated: System backs up the reports on various media e.g. paper, DAT etc. Backup is Daily/
Distribute Reports
- Reports are selectively distributed because of their sensitive nature.
- Many types of posting, mathematical, and clerical errors can be identified in night audit.
- Some of the errors are –
Pickup Errors
- In manual/ semi-automated systems, previous balance is entered (picked up) incorrectly.
- Can happen whenever a posting is made to a folio.
- Difficulty to identify.
Transposition Errors
- The numbers related to transaction are reversed. (eg. Rs. 645 to Rs. 654 )
- Easiest to identify.
Missing Folios
- In non or semi-automated systems,
- Folio has been filed incorrectly or removed from the folio bucket.
- May be because closing ‘A’ folio and not closing ‘B’ folio.
- When a folio is missing, the night audit will not balance.
- In automated, folios are stored electronically, no issue of missing folios.


checkout procedure

Departure procedures

Check out and accounts settlement can be an efficient process when the front office staff is well –prepared & organized. The departure states of the guest cycle involve several procedures designed to simplify check-out & account settlement. These procedures include:-

·      Inquiring about additional recent charges

·      Posting outstanding charges

·      Verifying account information

·      Presenting the guest folio.

·      Verifying the method of payment

·      Processing the  account payment

·      Checking for mail, messages, faxes.

·      Checking for safe deposit box or in room safe keys

·      Securing the room key

·      Updating the rooms status

·      Inquiring about the guests stay & experience

·      Requesting the guest to complete a guest satisfaction survey

·      Updating the guest history file


Monday, 24 February 2014

Front Office Accounting

                       FRONT OFFICE ACCOUNTING

Need for accounting system at Front Office -
To monitor and chart all the transactions that take place between the hotel and others i.e. resident guests,
companies, agencies, non-resident guests etc.
- the functions of Front Office Accounting System are:
01. To create and maintain an accurate accounting record for each guest/ non-guest account.
02. To track financial transactions throughout the guest cycle.
03. To ensure internal control over cash & non-cash transactions.
04. To record settlement for all goods & services provided.
Note : Guest means Resident guest and Non-guests means Non-resident guest,.


An account is a form on which financial data are accumulated and summarized. The increases and decreases in an account are calculated and the resulting monetary amount is the account balance. Any financial transaction that occurs in a hotel may affect several accounts.
The simplest form an account resembles the letter T –

In Front Office, accounts are segregated into two categories.

a. Guest Account – is a record of financial transactions that occur between a guest and the hotel.
Created - a. during registration, b. when reservations are guaranteed.
Front Office is completely responsible for it during guest occupancy.
Updated on a daily basis.
Settlement - a. on guest checkout, b. when the account exceeds credit limit.

b. Non-guest Account - Between a non-guest and the hotel.
Also called as House accounts/ City accounts
Accounts of guests failing to settle their bills on departure are also included in this (besides those of non-residents like companies, agencies, groups or individuals with credit privileges)
Collection & billing is the responsibility of Accounts Department! Credit (Control) Department.Billed on monthly basis.
- a statement of transactions (debits and credits) affecting the balance of a single account.
- it begins with a ZERO balance and ends with the SAME. In between, the balance may be debit or credit depending upon the type of transactions.
- it is the process of recording transactions on a folio. Methods of posting are as under:
a. Non-automated system: Hand-written on a Paper Folio.
b. Semi-automated system: Machine posted on a Paper Folio
c. Automated system: Electronic Folios are maintained on a Computer.
Types of Folio:
- basically 4 types of folios –

a.    Guest Folio- accounts assigned to individual persons or guest rooms.

b.    Master Folio- for more than one person/ guestroom. Usually for Group Accounts.

c. Non-guest or Semi-permanent Folio: for non-guest businesses/ agencies with charge
purchase privileges.

d. Employee Folio: for employees with charge purchase privileges.
There are more folios created by hotels to accommodate special circumstances/ requests e.g. room folio (folio) for Room+Tax and incidental folio (B folio) for food/ beverages and other charges.
Why all folios must have a unique serial number?
01. It acts as an identification number & ensures that all the folios are accounted for.
02. Folio numbered may be used to index information in automated systems.
03. In semi-/non-automated system, folio lengths are fixed. When a balance is carried forward to a
new folio, the old folio number has to be shown as reference of where the balance originated.
- a voucher details the transactions to be posted to a front office account.
- it lists the detailed transaction information gathered at the source of transaction, such as any F & B
outlet, gift shop.
Types of vouchers:
1. Cash Voucher
2. Charge Vouchers
3. Transfer Vouchers
4. Allowance Vouchers
5. Paid-out Vouchers

- is a summary grouping of accounts.
- In Front Office, called as Accounts Receivable Ledger (a collection of folios).
Guest ledger:
- the set of guest accounts that correspond to registered hotel guests.
- also called as Transient Ledger or Rooms Ledger or Front Office Ledger.
Non-Guest Ledger:
- it is the collection of non-guest accounts.
- it includes all non-cash settlements, skipper accounts, disputed bills & non-guest functions.


- it is the responsibility of Front Office to record all transactions that affect guest-ledger and non-guest
accounts accurately and completely.
- Guest folios are created during reservations process or at the time of registration.
- for Folio creation, the necessary information is taken from reservation & registration records.
- for pre-numbered folios, the folio number is entered on to the registration card and vice-versa for
- Manually-/ machine-posted folios are stored in a front desk folio tray (also known as posting tray/
folio well/ buckets).
- electronic Folios are automatically cross-referenced with other records within the system. This
considerably reduces transactional accounting errors.
Record keeping Systems:
- the folio formats of guest and non-guest account may be different and depends on the record keeping
a. Non-automated system:
- Guest folio in a manual system contains a series of columns listing individual debit/ credit entries
accumulated during the occupancy.
- at the end of the financial day, each column is totalled and the ending balance is carried forward as the
opening folio balance for the following day.
b. Semi-automated system:
- Guest transactions are sequentially printed on a machine posted folio.
- The information recorded for each transaction includes the date, department code/ check no., amount
of transaction and the new balance of the account.
c. Automated system:
- Electronic folios are maintained on the computers.
- POS transactions may be automatically posted to an electronic folio.
- Computer based systems maintain accurate current balances for all the folios.
Charge Privilege:
- The privilege given to a guest to avail hotel facilities on credit basis.
- A guest may be required to present an acceptable credit card or a direct billing authorization at the time
of registration ( or at the time of reservation in fully automated hotels)
- Guests are authorized to make charge purchases once a line of credit has been established (through
Direct Billing Authorizations or Credit Cards).
PIA Guests or Paid-in advance
- Guests who pay cash for accommodation at the time of registration.
- Generally charge purchase privileges not given.

Credit Monitoring:
- A major task of Front Office is to ensure that all guest & non-guest accounts are within acceptable
credit limits.
- FOM & Night Auditor are responsible for identification of such High Balance Accounts & necessary
action. In large hotels, there is a credit manager for reviewing such accounts. He/ she is also
responsible for settlement of city ledger accounts.

Account Maintenance

- Guest folios must be accurate, complete and properly filed since guests may enquire about their
balance or check out in a hurry.
- Transaction Postings conform to the Basic Front Office Accounting formula –
Previous balance + debits - Credits = Net Outstanding Balance
PB + DR - CR = NOB

visitor's tabular ledger



These ledgers are in loose ruled forms.It is called Visitors tabular ledger because,it is made for all hotel visitorsand it is called tabular because it is prepared in analytical/tabular/columnar form.This is also called Day  Book.It is called day book because all transactions which take place during the day in a hotel are recorded in this ledger.In case the number of rooms occupied are more than the columns of the ledger then more pages can be added for the same day.

Only credit sale to resident guests are recorded in this ledger.Tat means cash sale to resident guests and credit sale to non-guests is not recorded in this ledger,At thhis point of sale the guests can avail services,facilites,etc and caan sign the bills.The signed bill/voucher is posteed in the appropriate column of visitor's tabular ledger,the voucher is stamped as posted so that it may not be posted again by mistake.


Visitors tabular ledger has debit side and credit side,normally accounting system left side is debit and the right side is  credit side.But in case of visitors tabular ledger the upper side is called debit side and  the lower side is credit.




1. Easy: It is ann easy system to understand and after a day's training cashier can be asked to prepare the visitors tabular ledger.

2. Economical: The ledger is prepared in the ruled sheets so it doesnot cost much money.

3. Fewer mistakes: Voucher are debited directly.The chances of making mistakes is minimized.

4. Sale under various heads: different heads columns are made and totaled horizontally.It helps in knowing the sale of various departments.

5. Cross Checking : In case of any controversy cross-checking can be done through voucher

6: Arithmetical checking: All columns are totaled both horizontally and vertically It helps in cross checking the total and in case of error it can be rectified instantly by the cashier.





1: Difficult to handle: due to a big size it becomes difficult to handle.

2. Store : since it is in loose paper form and it gets torn very fast so it becomes difficult to store for a longer period.

3. Wrong Posting: The columns are usually very small and cashier might enter one rooms entry to other room by mistake and this mistake can not be rectified byy checking the cross totaling.

Monday, 27 January 2014


One of the most important factors of the guest room is the lock on the door .
In past key control systems were limited to basic metal key these were easily lost and were costly to replace.
Key control systems eventually evolved into systems that were easier to replace called key cards . These plastic keys were filled with small holes at the one end that the door could read when inserted . The drawback to key card was that they had the room name printed on them this posed a major security risk and thus had to be replaced as well.
Modern hotels today use computer controlled key control system . A credit card type card is assigned a special code when activated by the front desk . This key is preprogrammed with guest arrival and departure information and will work for the duration of guest stay and for particular period.
1. Emergency Key: A key that can open all doors double locked in hotels, among others:
Guest room door (Guest Room)
Door Office (Office)
Door Warehouse (Store)
This key is usually held by the Management Hotel or GM can use the emergency moment / emergency
2.Guest Room Key: Key available for use by the guests to open the rooms such as CARD or a special card and some form of regular keys, so-called Key Tag if the child is the key hanger.
3. Master Key: A key that can be used to open the door on one floor / floor or one section area all  single locked. So if the hotel consists of 8 floors / section in the hotel so there will be 8 pieces Master Key.
An electronic lock system (more precisely an electric lock) is a locking device which operates by means of electric current. More often electric locks are connected to an PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The advantages of an electric lock connected to an property management system include: key control, where keys can be added and removed without re-keying the lock cylinder; fine access control, where time and place are factors; and transaction logging, where activity is recorded.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014



Lost and found – This is a term used in hotel parlance to refer to any item which is left by the guest or temporarily misplaced by the guest but traced later by the hotel staff. Such articles to be handed over to the housekeeping department which maintained a special locker for this purpose .if the item belongs to the guest who has already checked out  ,then a letter has to be sent to the forwarding address left by the guest while checkout or which is there in the registration card ..If no reply is received by the hotel within certain time limit, that may be auctioned to the hotel employees as per the hotel rules.
If the lost belongings are found in the public areas  and the guest is still residing in the hotel then housekeeping department keeps those items with them till any complain is made at the front office or in the this case a customer is required to give a description of the article which is lost ,before that item is shown to him .

Fire in the hotel
As soon the fire is detected and intimated to the front desk ,the first thing to do is to inform the telephone department .inmost hotels the telephone department the telephone department plays a pivotal role of alarming the hotel .in smaller hotel which have telephone department is merged with the front office ,there the first job is to call the fire department of that city for the help .the front office should alert all guest and inform them to use the staircase and not the elevator .the telephone exchange should always be manned during fire to communicate from one point to another .if the front office staff have to get actively involved in the procedure then they should search each room thoroughly ,specially under bed or in closets or bathrooms to ensure that no guest is left behind .they must guide the guest through the fire exit map .and help in extinguishing the fire by the use of appropriate fire extinguishers
(Foam for electrical fires and oil fires, water for the general fires and so on.)

The front office should inform the General Manager, the security officer and call for the hotel doctor,. no alarm is raised and none of the guest to be informed .the General Manager may decide to call the police .the room to be sealed till police formalities are over. People known to that person is  to be contacted through the addresses entered in the registration card .
Accidents –
The house doctor should be called immediately on phone and informed the nature of the accident and condition of the guest .the doctors instructions must be followed immediately .bleeding must be stopped by swabbing wounds with cotton wool and applying antiseptic or any lotion .if a fracture is suspected the guest is not moved till the doctor arrives .burns are to be treated with creams meant for the purpose .Water is never poured over the burns as this will surely leads to the blisters .hotel should train staff for this purpose .
Vandalism –
The front office staff must call the hotel security and order the main door to be locked .if thing get out of the hand police must be called.
Damaged to property by the resident guest
The front office cashier is instructed to raise a charge for the value of the of damages to property, a responsible guest will never argue but if it is the subject to be referred to the general manager .
Drunken guest
It is prudent to never argue with drunken guest .he must be politely led away from the public areas either into an office or in his room...if he is behaving unruly the security may be called.
Theft –
Hotel often adopts certain precautions to avoid thefts -
these are:-
·         Self locking room doors.
·         Safety deposit boxes for guest valuables
·         Watching guests with light baggage who could become potential skippers.
·         Watching a walk-in who can be a thief.
·         Avoiding giving room numbers to visitors or guest names to telephone callers.
·         Strictly controlling the master key.
·         Posting security personals on floor.
·         Keeping all entrances, corridors and staircases well illuminated.
·         Reporting immediately any suspicious characters.
Bomb threats

With the increase in terrorism in the country and world ,the bomb threats are not so uncommon these days .this may be a genuine threat with explosive planted some where  in the hotel or it may be a hoax.which ever the case may be such threats are always taken seriously and the proper action taken .
Mostly bomb threats are made on phone are attended by either the telephone operator or the receptionist of the this following steps to be followed—
·         Signal the colleague to also listen in the call and try to find out the location through exchange.
·         Listen the caller carefully and make it prolong and get all the information carefully- place where planted,time of explosion and streghth of explosives.
·         If possible this call may be taped and note the back noise and try to catch information from accent and police to be informed.
·         Immidiatly after disconnection the G M and security officer has to be informed .
·         If the location is identified the department head should be also informed
·         People from that suspected area has to be evacuated from that particular location .
·         After “all clear” signal from the police the normal process of hotel can be continued.

Though hotel is not responsible for the guest valuables, the rule to this effect is written in the guest registration card and also notified in the in guest room .but a hotel offers a free safe deposit facility for his valuables.
Hotels have bank type of lockers installed at the front office cash. A locker is allotted to guest that can be opened by using two keys .the master key is with the front office cashier and other key is issued to the guest. A contract is also signed in between the guest and the hotel. Whenever a guest wants to open that locker it has to be entered into the locker operating register. Signatures are always verified with the specimen .head cashier inserts his key then a guest inserts his own key, and then only a lock can be opened. Guest is left alone to operate his locker..Guest can lock the locker with his own key. At the time of departure the guest is asked to vacate the locker.
If the key is lost by the guest .then the locker will be drilled open in presence of the guest and can be charged for the replacement of the locker.
If the forgets to vacate the locker .he or she has to be informed by the hotel to come and vacate it either personally or by sending an authorised person with authority letter.

These days some hotels have installed an electronic safe deposit box in each guest room .this safety box can be operated by using an electronic number. Guest can use any number to open the lock. The number selected by the guest becomes the locker’s code number .the guest’s are advised to keep there valuables in the electronic safety box. Though hotel is not responsible for any lost item .But hotels take this issue as prestige issue. So an inquiry is done on the hotel security level.